Psalm 61- Outline/Questions

Introduction: “This Psalm is a pearl. It is little, but precious. To many a mourner it has furnished utterance when the mind could not have devised a speech for itself.” C. H. Spurgeon

1.  God hears our prayers (vs.1-2):

2.  God shelters us from the enemy (vs.3):

3.  God is trustworthy (vs.4):

4.  God hears our vows (vs.5a):

5. God gives a heritage to those who fear Him (vs.5b):

6.  God is in control of the length of our lives (vs.6):

7.  God’s gift of eternal life is based upon mercy and truth (vs.7):

8.  God is praised by those who sing and obey (vs.8):


1. What do we learn about dealing with difficulties in our own lives from this Psalm?

2. Is there a pattern that we can follow in this Psalm?

3. What choices does the Psalmist make in this Psalm?

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