Psalm 150 – The right conclusion!

shockDoes your mouth drop with shock at what some people say?  I am sure it has at times because what is in people’s hearts comes out through their months.  Remember what Jesus said, ” The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45)?

A number of years ago I was teaching through the Psalms on a weekly basis during a mid-week prayer meeting.  My chin about hit the floor one day when the subject of our Psalm study came up in a conversation with a person, who never attended, when they said with derision, “All you study is those Psalms!”  Ouch, not for me, but for the person who just revealed their heart attitude toward the inspired songs of worship from the very Word of God. I continued to teach through the Psalms at that time until a vote of confidence resulted in my resignation (Romans 8:28).

This year I decided to write some devotional thoughts on each of the Psalms I skipped to receive the blessing missed by not having had the opportunity of completing all the Psalms with those who so dearly loved them.   Do you love the Psalms of Scripture?  If so, I would enjoy hearing your reason why!

We now come to the last Psalm in the psalter and a very fitting conclusion to all of the Psalms.  Psalm 150 calls us to praise God, suggests where we can praise God, why we should praise God, how we can praise God, and concludes with an all-inclusive admonishment:  “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!”   With your gift of breath are your praising God?  What attribute or works of God have you thought about today or this week that moved you to utter from your lips and from out of your heart sincere praise of God?  The Psalmist of Psalm 150 names two:  God’s “mighty deeds” and His “excellent greatness.”   What has God done for you?   How is His greatness excellent to you?  Answer these two questions from your heart and you will be on your way to praising God as the Psalmist exhorts you to do with His gift of breath.

Please share your praise of God with someone today, in person or possibly in the comment section of this blog post.  Psalms of praise are meant to be sung together with other worshipers!  So, let’s worship together.

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