Love Seeketh Not Her Own!

Title: Love Seeketh Not Her Own               Text: I Corinthians 13:5

Introduction: Read the text I Corinthians 13:1-8. We have been studying what love is not to help us understand what love is. This evening we will be considering the little phrase in verse 5 about love that says that it “seeketh not her own.” Or in our tongue today – Love is not selfish!

I. A Definition of  Selfishness “Seeketh not her own”

Definition: “Seek” — can have the connotation of worship when applied to a deity.

“not her own” — one’s own interests

In our common speech today we could say as one Greek scholar translates the phrase, “Love does not insist upon its rights” William Barclay

Selfishness is simply thinking and acting with your own self-interests in mind without regard for the needs, concerns, and desires of others.

“Seeketh not her own; that is, her own praise, profit, or pleasure; it seeketh it not inordinately, it seeketh it not injuriously, either in the neglect of others, or to the hurt of others. Charity is not selfish, but generous.” William Burkitt

II. Other Scriptures that teach selfless love – or unselfishness: (The heart of Agape Love)

I Corinthians 10:23-24, 33; Romans 15:1-2; Galatians 5:13, 6:2; Philippians 2:3-5;

A perfect example and a sobering question: I John 3:16-17

III. Examples of Selfless Love or unselfishness:

John Wesley made the following comments on selfless love, it “seeketh not her own-ease, pleasure, honor, or temporal advantage. Nay, sometimes the lover of mankind seeketh not, in some sense, even his own spiritual advantage; does not think of himself, so long as a zeal for the glory of God and the souls of men swallows him up”.

Paul: II Timothy 2:10 – Paul demonstrated selfless love for the welfare of his own people. Cf. – Romans 9:1-3

Old Testament examples: Joseph, Moses, David when he fought against Goliath,

IV. Consequences of Selfishness and unselfishness: Proverbs 11:26, 18:17, 28:27

Conclusion: Love is unselfish – By God’s grace, with His help we can not only chose to not be selfish we can be unselfish in our relationships with others. Christian the choice is yours.

Will you be a person who always insists upon your rights and privileges or a person who remembers your responsibilities?

Will you be a person who is always thinking about what others owe you or one who never forgets how much you owe others?

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